
Flow sensors type SF5Message via switching signal at distances of up to 100 m Adaptable to various process connections using an adapter Replace types SF1, SF2 and SF3 according to the table below These sensors, along with a switching amplifier, monitor a flow value in liquid or gaseous media according to the calorimetric measuring principle. Setting range (cm/s); | 3 to 300 in liquid media ---|---   | 200 to 3000 in gaseous media Medium temperature: | -25 °C → +80 °C Pressure resistance: | 300 bar Sensor material: | V4A Sensor + Adapter |   | Replaces old type ---|---|--- Sensor | Adapter |   SF5350 | E40101 | SF1200 SF5200 | E40101 | SF1204 SF5350 | E40099 | SF2202 SF5200 | E40099 | SF2204 SF5350 | E40096 | SF3200 SF5200 | E40096 | SF3204 ### 量热流量传感器和适配器



说明Flow sensors type SF5Message via switching signal at distances of up to 100 m Adaptable to various process connections using an adapter Replace types SF1, SF2 and SF3 according to the table below These sensors, along with a switching amplifier, monitor a flow value in liquid or gaseous media according to the calorimetric measuring principle. Setting range (cm/s); | 3 to 300 in liquid media ---|---   | 200 to 3000 in gaseous media Medium temperature: | -25 °C → +80 °C Pressure resistance: | 300 bar Sensor material: | V4A Sensor + Adapter |   | Replaces old type ---|---|--- Sensor | Adapter |   SF5350 | E40101 | SF1200 SF5200 | E40101 | SF1204 SF5350 | E40099 | SF2202 SF5200 | E40099 | SF2204 SF5350 | E40096 | SF3200 SF5200 | E40096 | SF3204 ### 量热流量传感器和适配器
品牌IFM Electronic



